This photo of Can Paixano (La Xampanyeria) is courtesy of TripAdvisor |
Area : Barceloneta MAP IT
Phone : +34 933 10 08 39
Price : 15 €
Opening hours : Monday to Saturday from : BAR - 09:00 to 22:30 h / STORE - 09:00 a 15:00 and from 15:30 to 20:00 h / Closed on Sundays and holidays
Metro: L4 Barceloneta / Bus: 36, 39, 57, 59, 64, 120, 157
TripAdvisor : 4.5/5 rank 109 / 4217 155 reviews
Yelp : 4.5/5 46 reviews
photo of Can Paixano (La Xampanyeria) is courtesy of TripAdvisor |
La Xampanyeria ( from Can Paixano ) was founded in 1969, and it has become a must-see for all those people who want to have a different view of Barcelona.
A place to feel the atmosphere of the old bars of Barceloneta (typical fishing quarter) and where you can enjoy its famous champagne and sparkling wines, in addition to taste a wide selection of sandwiches and tapas.
Can Paixano also offers the opportunity to buy at the store located in the same place offering high quality canned Spanish food and "embutido" (all sort of pork products as sausages). You can also purchase their champagnes and wine.
Crowd atmosphere, as Spanish typical old bars!
If you want to sample the cheapest cava in town alongside a bewildering selection of sandwiches, this is the best place to go. It's a rowdy cava bar where a copa is about 1.50€ and the most expensive Can Paixano bottle is a little over 7€. There are no seats, though. If you go at lunchtime, you'll be able to find some space to enjoy your drink -- but if you go at night, expect the place to be crammed full. It's a good way to get tipsy early, but don't say I didn't warn you about the evenings -- anytime after 7pm the bar will start to get very, very full. It's compulsory to order two mini-sandwiches with the first bottle you buy.
Barcelona Metropolitan
...Founded in 1969 by cava-makers Can Paixano, the place offers its clients much more than just a glass of good cava. The place is tiny, usually very crowded and full of trash on the floors. There are no tables or chairs for sitting down. Ordering is almost impossible unless you push your way into the crowd and sometimes cava is spilled on you without notice. Sounds awful? Wrong. The adventure of eating and drinking here is a definite experience, to be repeated as many times as you can. I’m not a big fan of enclosed spaces and much less when there are so many people, but Can Paixano or La Champañeria is a must and well worth a visit (or two)...
Barcelona Life
Known simply as La Xampanyeria (ie. the Champagne bar) by most of Barcelona, Can Paixano is a beloved institution in these parts. The homely fishermen's tavern in the seaside district of Barceloneta has been serving up its delicious Berenguer Ramon brands of Cava since 1969 and you sense neither the decor, nor half of the staff, has changed much since then. On top of its era-transcending charm, a glass of the sparkling stuff is absurdly cheap at between 95 cents and 1.40 euros, although you will be asked to invest in some bocadillos (sandwiches) or tapas, if you want to keep drinking. That's hardly a problem as the sandwiches are equally economically priced! No surprise then that between 7pm and 10.30pm (closing time), Can Paixano is rammed full of hungry and thirsty patrons, but if you can deal with the crowds it's well worth the experience. You could also try going earlier as it's open from 9am in the mornings. (Closed on Sundays).
A landmark location in the old sailor’s district of Barceloneta, Champañeria Can Paixano is bound to leave an indelible impression on its visitors.
The tavern atmosphere befits the available drink and fare. A selection of sparkling wines and cava (mostly of the establishment’s signature variety) is available on the condition you taste the tapas and special “bocadillos” (sandwiches) made with local sausages, which should hardly be a problem.
The party starts early and continues right up to closing hour. Leaving none wanting for lack, Champañeria offers the opportunity to take the party home, selling its famous champagnes on the spot.
Nile Guide
Can Paixano is a small restaurant-cum-wine bar located in the midst of the busy Reina Christina area. Despite its noisy and smoky atmosphere, this place attracts a huge crowd from all over the city. People queue up mainly to get a taste of the lovely rose cava (Spanish sparkling rosé wine). Bocadillos and sausages are available at very low prices. It's like getting into a brawl to get your order across, but then it's definitely worth every bit!
Time Out
Tapas bar for both locals and tourists, where you eat standing up, beneath the hams and cured meats that hang from the ceiling. Can Paixano wines and cavas are on sale at the shop at the back, where they also have a good selection of canned goods and cured meats.
Cette photo de Can Paixano (La Xampanyeria) est fournie gracieusement par TripAdvisor
The tavern atmosphere befits the available drink and fare. A selection of sparkling wines and cava (mostly of the establishment’s signature variety) is available on the condition you taste the tapas and special “bocadillos” (sandwiches) made with local sausages, which should hardly be a problem.
The party starts early and continues right up to closing hour. Leaving none wanting for lack, Champañeria offers the opportunity to take the party home, selling its famous champagnes on the spot.
Nile Guide
Can Paixano is a small restaurant-cum-wine bar located in the midst of the busy Reina Christina area. Despite its noisy and smoky atmosphere, this place attracts a huge crowd from all over the city. People queue up mainly to get a taste of the lovely rose cava (Spanish sparkling rosé wine). Bocadillos and sausages are available at very low prices. It's like getting into a brawl to get your order across, but then it's definitely worth every bit!
Time Out
Tapas bar for both locals and tourists, where you eat standing up, beneath the hams and cured meats that hang from the ceiling. Can Paixano wines and cavas are on sale at the shop at the back, where they also have a good selection of canned goods and cured meats.
Cette photo de Can Paixano (La Xampanyeria) est fournie gracieusement par TripAdvisor